My dreams usually seem perfectly normal until about 30 minutes after I've woken up an I start to really remember it.

I awoke, my face pressed against a cobbled road. It was raining slightly, only a mist. Small rivulets of rainwater ran between the cracks of the ancient stones. My fingers sought purchase and I raised my head to look around.
The world suddenly tilted. I frantically grasped at the stones and fell down. My face ground against the wet road, my fingers snapped pointlessly as the brittle bones within them broke. I fell downward into darkness, screaming.
I landed on another hard surface. It was hot. Deathly hot. SO HOT. My wet clothing was steaming, and my skin crackling. No breathable air. I stumbled to my feet. The lighting was flickering red. I stood before a huge door set into nothingness. It was made of ancient wood, with huge wrought iron handles. My hands seemed dwarfed as I tried to wrap my broken fingers around the handles.

Unable to open the door, I spun and looked around. I was on a square platform surrounded by molten lava. A plume of green smoke arose from the far side of the platform, materializing into a witch. If you’ve ever seen the Disney film Sleeping Beauty, you would recognize this witch as Maleficent. She wore a hat with two spirals, and carried a gnarled staff. Two gremlin lackeys grinned devilishly at her feet and ground their teeth.

I trembled in fear. I had nowhere to run, and I grit my teeth in preparation for the inevitable defeat I soon faced. To my left, off the edge of the platform was a green glow in the lava. I pressed myself against the wooden door and edged towards it. When I peeked over the edge, I saw this symbol tracing itself in bright green light into the semi liquid molten stone.

Suddenly, the lava within the boundaries of the glowing symbol, a molten red mouth of teeth emerged. It raised itself upwards, and formed the structure of a demon hound. The green glow emanated its features. The heat radiated from the demon as it loomed above me, a hot wind blew my hair back.
The demon arched its long neck over me, and gobbled up Maleficent in one bite. The lackeys vanished in a poof of green smoke.
Moral of the story is: don't eat a whole box of chocolates before bed time...
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