Monday 18 April 2011


Today I moved back home for the summer. 

Packing isn't really something I enjoy, but I have to do it often enough because I move between my home and school residence twice a year and I've gotten used to it.

However, I haven't gotten any BETTER at it.  

My process goes something like this:

My room starts out clean.
Then I find some boxes, suitcases, milk crates....
 Then  proceed to empty EVERYTHING onto the floor.
 The I start sorting. Donate what you don't need, recycle what you can, and toss the rest.
But I get distracted....
Rediscovering my favourite writer......
 Reliving the past....
Procrastinating elsewhere...
 Renewing my passion for the Irish Flute 
(note: I cannot play anything except "Mary had a Little Lamb")
Then things are finally packed into the boxes.
 Until I decide they weren't packed properly, and everything is dumped again.
(This repeated several times)

Eventually it was finally all packed, despite my best efforts to procrastinate.

 I said my goodbyes, packed up the car, and drove home pretty uneventfully.

I'm now unpacking and it seems I can't shake this feeling I've forgotten something....



  1. Irish Flute part made me laugh for some reason. Show me how to play! :P

  2. Is the thing on the top closet shelf a bear or a dog? This is a very important question

  3. I started packing last night I'm on step two, everything on the floor. Instead of procrastinating from packing, I'm using packing as a procrastination from biochem
