Friday 9 December 2011

Avoid Ferris Wheels

I had a weird dream the other night.

I was with my sister, Shelly, looking for a bunch of dice. Now, I need to make a horrible confession. At one point in my life, for only a few months, I played dungeons and dragons. No I'm not proud.

Anyways we were looking for these D+D dice, which are multicoloured, and there are many shapes and sizes. I went out on the back porch of my father's house (which is strange because we tore down that porch about 10 years ago) and found some dice in a ceramic pot half filled with rain water. I showed my sister and she exclaimed that this was only half of the collection and that we needed to find the purple velvet bag filled with dice.

It was distressing. We searched everywhere. Eventually we gave up and went to a theme park by the ocean....mixed with Niagara Falls.

There was a terrifying roller coaster that we went on. It was a log boat ride like the one they have at Wonderland, but it was on Niagara Falls (the actual waterfall). We floated along, barely restrained by one flimsy lap bar, and gradually picked up speed. We were racing by the time we came to the very edge of the falls... and the boat's nose started to tip over the edge....and we heard a loud CLUNK!!!! A chain held us at a specified distance from the dock, which was precisely the distance required to leave us hanging at a 45 degree angle on the edge of the cliff. A motor whirred to life and began cranking us backwards against the current until we arrived safely at the dock again.

After that bone chilling ride we decided to pick a safer one. The ferris wheel looked pretty peaceful, although it was dangerously close to a cliff and looked like it could fall into the ocean with a slight breeze. My sister and I were loaded into the bucket seat and the ferris wheel started turning. When we got to the top of the ride, Shelly suddenly found the velvet bag in her pocket....and dropped it into the ocean.

We watched it sink and we became aware that the ferris wheel wasn't moving anymore. We heard the sound of metal grinding on metal... and then... we were falling. The bucket seat had dropped out from the wheel structure! We plummeted to the ocean at a mind-numbing speed... and just as we were about to hit the foamy waves below I felt a blast of heat and felt the sensation of my back adhering to the backrest.

The bucketseat...was... a rocketship? And we flew off into the sunset...

 Also I haven't named a Reader of the Month for November, so I belatedly nominate Joel, who helped me critique Skyrim for my last post. Thanks Joel!

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