Sunday, 18 December 2011

Things I don't Understand

1.) The English Language

I've been speaking it for >21 years now I still don't understand some things about the English language so I've come to the conclusion that it is needlessly complicated. For example:
2.) "Reality" Television
As I see it, this genera of television is simply so they don't have to hire writers to make up something original and interesting. Instead they consider it quality entertainment to watch orange midget Italians getting drunk and pulling each other's hair. This show in particular has a special place in my hatred folder:
3.) Duckface
Not attractive and not acceptable! Come on ladies! We can do better than this!!
4.) Dubstep
It just seems to be one long song that never ends. Also I remember reading somewhere dubstep is what you get if you asked a robot and a dinosaur to make music together. How do you dance to this? Thrash? Epileptic seizure?
Looks about right.

Monday, 12 December 2011


So I have a Twitter acount, but I still don't get it. 
I had it set up so it automatically "tweets" whatever I post on the facebook page, but other than that I don't use it. I only thought of it today because I couldn't remember the password.  
I've heard that people like to "follow" celebrities on Twitter to read their interesting tweets. I've never been the kind of person to hop onto that band wagon, and personally I don't care if Johnny Depp is brushing his teeth right now, or if Kanye has spelling mistakes or not. I don't read celebrity magazines, I don't care if they are fat or had implants. The only time I was to see them is in a music video or movie that they're performing in. Outside of their job I think they should be allowed to live in peace without paparrazi peeping in their windows. 
Also, how do you know if a twitter account is actually run by said celebrity? More likely they have someone hired to do that, and even when they fudge up it's possibly a well calculated mistake to attract attention. 

It's just...silly.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Avoid Ferris Wheels

I had a weird dream the other night.

I was with my sister, Shelly, looking for a bunch of dice. Now, I need to make a horrible confession. At one point in my life, for only a few months, I played dungeons and dragons. No I'm not proud.

Anyways we were looking for these D+D dice, which are multicoloured, and there are many shapes and sizes. I went out on the back porch of my father's house (which is strange because we tore down that porch about 10 years ago) and found some dice in a ceramic pot half filled with rain water. I showed my sister and she exclaimed that this was only half of the collection and that we needed to find the purple velvet bag filled with dice.

It was distressing. We searched everywhere. Eventually we gave up and went to a theme park by the ocean....mixed with Niagara Falls.

There was a terrifying roller coaster that we went on. It was a log boat ride like the one they have at Wonderland, but it was on Niagara Falls (the actual waterfall). We floated along, barely restrained by one flimsy lap bar, and gradually picked up speed. We were racing by the time we came to the very edge of the falls... and the boat's nose started to tip over the edge....and we heard a loud CLUNK!!!! A chain held us at a specified distance from the dock, which was precisely the distance required to leave us hanging at a 45 degree angle on the edge of the cliff. A motor whirred to life and began cranking us backwards against the current until we arrived safely at the dock again.

After that bone chilling ride we decided to pick a safer one. The ferris wheel looked pretty peaceful, although it was dangerously close to a cliff and looked like it could fall into the ocean with a slight breeze. My sister and I were loaded into the bucket seat and the ferris wheel started turning. When we got to the top of the ride, Shelly suddenly found the velvet bag in her pocket....and dropped it into the ocean.

We watched it sink and we became aware that the ferris wheel wasn't moving anymore. We heard the sound of metal grinding on metal... and then... we were falling. The bucket seat had dropped out from the wheel structure! We plummeted to the ocean at a mind-numbing speed... and just as we were about to hit the foamy waves below I felt a blast of heat and felt the sensation of my back adhering to the backrest.

The bucketseat...was... a rocketship? And we flew off into the sunset...

 Also I haven't named a Reader of the Month for November, so I belatedly nominate Joel, who helped me critique Skyrim for my last post. Thanks Joel!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Skyrim vs. World of Warcraft

How does the dragonborn fare against a real dragon, Deathwing the Destroyer?
I've been recently trying to decide which game I want to play so here is my breakdown thus far... but I'll warn you, I'm probably very biased to the game I've known and loved for several years.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim versus World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Playable Characters
World of Warcraft has been split into two teams, the Horde and the Alliance. Generally the Alliance gets the prettier characters since mostly preteen boys play them. The Horde has traditionally had the more menacing characters such as the Undead, Trolls, Orcs, and Tauren. With the Burning Crusade expansion pack they added Bloodelves to finally attract some women to their team (or maybe they got sick of the naked undead women dancing for gold and wanted some eyecandy). The Alliance has the Humans, Dwarves, Nightelves and the laughable Gnomes. Burning Crusade brought a race that actually looks like it might not be eaten by an orc, the Draenei. Cataclysm introduced two new playable races, the Goblins for the Horde and the Worgen for the alliance.

 Skyrim does not have two teams but you can pick one of each of these races: Altmer, Argonian, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard. I give them props for inventing a word that I can't spell or pronounce (Khajiit) but isn't Breton a type of cracker? Yes it is. Also I like the idea of a cat-people race...but did they have to make them so sad looking? Their eyes make me want to cry.
I created a scorecard and gave both games marks. Attractiveness and originality were calculated as a percent. Overall Wow beat out Skyrim in each category.

*Edit: With the addition of the Pandara expansion pack, WoW has 13 playable races*

I am an avid quester so it has intrigued me that Skyrim has an infinite number of quests. How is this possible? I have no idea. I'm betting on voodoo magic. 
Skyrim wins this round.  
The major part of these RPGs is how you get around. Personally I was an avid collector of mounts in WoW, and I'm a little dissappointed to hear you only have the option of horse, or no horse in Skyrim. 
However I do like the idea of fast travel....

I call a tie.

Replay Value
I can almost hear the gaming community scream out about replay value. The interesting difference between Wow and Skyrim is that one has a definate end. Skyrim can be played for as long or short as you please, depending on how in-depth you want to explore the dungeons and such. However it does have an ending to the story. I understand the replay value is the fact that you can create a new character and change some yes/no decisions you had made to discover more quests and replay the game as such. 
Wow is a never ending game and is intended to keep you hooked. A great part of creating a new character is the ability to transfer money or items to your new character. These characters are known as "twinks". Personally this doesn't effect me because I don't play player-versus-player (PVP) and I think it's a great way to help with levelling. Wow can also be replayed different ways because each race has it's own starting area, each class has it's own quests, and you can choose between certain cities to gain reputation and unlock specific quests there as well. 
It's hard to pick a definate winner here, but I would say that if you can forge bonds with the online community of Wow it has much more replay value. 
*Edit: I have been informed that there are a huge number of quests so Skyrim is basically unending, but the main quest line is only ~30 hours long. This may actually be a tie*
Online vs Single Player
Wow is specifically packaged as a massivly multiplayer online game  (MMO) and doesn't have the option of solo play. You can keep to yourself if you like, and ignore other players if that's how you want to play, but you wll have to compete against other players for quest items and kills. If you enjoy competition and fighting there are duelling grounds such as arenas, battlegrounds, and entire servers dedicated to PVP. You can also play on servers that are PVE (player versus environment) and even role playing servers where people like to say in character. 
Skyrim is a single player game which is great if you have no friends and don't wish to make any. 
Wow wins this round.
As a starving student this weighs heavily on my mind.It looks like Wow is the cheaper option. Even if I didn't already have the game installed on my computer it would be cheaper to buy the whole set than to purchase the Skyrim game for the PC. In addition, many of my friends say that the PC version of Skyrim is bjorked and since I don't own a gaming consol I wouls have to purchase one of those as well. THe only way it would even out is if I play Wow for several months. Due to school getting busy I will likely only have time during my 4 week Christmas holiday. What a coincidence....   
Overall Wow is a more appealing game to me, especially since I already know and love it. I have a high level character waiting for my return (which btw is a higher level than the maximum level in Skyrim) and I can't wait to play her again. 

Care to disagree? Comment here or on the Facebook page here 

Monday, 5 December 2011



  1. An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
  2. An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.
 Prounced "MEEM"

So I've become addicted to internet memes. If you haven't seen a meme for yourself, check out for a vast collection, or for simplistic explainations of the source of the memes. Here are some memes I've made myself!
 This is a classic Chuck Testa meme

Good Guy a pony.

 Me Gusta= ME LIKES
 "Cereal Guy"
 "Bad Poker Face" typically used when someone is lying
 "I don't always..." based on the commercial for Dos Equis beer with the most interesting man in the world
 A classic "comixed" meme
 "Soon" meme
 A new one created by me, but based on classics such as Socially Awkard Penguin and Annoying Facebook Girl
"Y U NO" guy...he's always upset about something

If you have any ideas for future memes for me to make, let me know!