If you have a legit recipe it might tell you some specific instructions or type of rice, but I just used normal white rice.
Is it weird that I randomly had this in my cupboard?
Step 3: Get a rolling mat
This one is made out of bamboo sticks, but you could get creative and maybe use a plastic placemat or something. You might notice that I wrapped it in saran wrap, this is also a good idea!
Step 4: Assemble Sushi ingredients
Here you can see I found crab sticks (faux crab). I don't actually trust myself with real raw fish without some sort of medic on hand...
Step 5: Assemble other....things
I didn't have much to work with so I dug through the fridge and found other foods you can eat raw.
Here you can see red onion, mushroom, hard boiled egg, lettuce, ham, and bbq sauce. I could also suggest mayonnaise or teriyaki sauce.
Other easy ingredients are cucumber, avacado and shrimp!
Step 6: Sushi time!
Spread your rice onto your seaweed wrap. Make sure to compact it well. You can either do this rice first then seaweed, or seaweed then rice, depending on which you want on the outside of the roll
**Safety tip: Better NOT to do this when the rice is directly out of the steamer**
Step 7: Add ingredients
Lay your filling lengthwise along the wrap. I discovered this it is better to have all of the ingredients on one end of the wrap instead of all in the middle as shown.
Step 8: Stop drop and ROLL!
Actually, just roll.
Step 9: Slice!
The end pieces usually end up messy, but if you've rolled it tight enough you should be able to make good cuts with a sharp knife.
Step 9: EAT!
Here is my finished product. I really like the crab sushi, and my favourite roll was the one with rice on the outside and was filled with crab, lettuce and mayo.
Let me know if you like these photoblogs or have any suggestions for do-it-yourself tutorials.
Come to my house and make sushi. I have to get mine from a Japanese man at the metro who bows at me whenever I grab chopsticks