Friday 20 May 2011


I think I was born into the wrong era. Musically at least.
I would give my left nut to go to Woodstock.  Figuratively speaking. (I wouldn't actually give away a testicle for any reason)

I like music that you can hear the instruments, and they take some sort of talent to play.

For instance, drums. Any idiot with an index finger can turn on a beat machine but it takes some real talent to play the drums. They are the least appreciated of the musicians (case and point, Ringo Star) but they keep the beat, set the tone, and are frankly the loudest of the whole band.

Then the guitar. There have been some influential guitarists in my life, and each have their own style. For instance Carlos Santana with his soulful melodies. His song Europa (Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile) brings me to tears without a single word.

I'm not against any sort of music in particular, but I prefer the true form as opposed to the auto-tuned and synthetic music. However, when the mood hits me, I do love dancing to it at the bar. Somehow power ballads just don't have the right beat for grinding.

This week's Reader of the Week is Emily, who started me on this blog and has left the most comments! She also has a great blog of her own here.

Also Happy 20th post!

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