I think the bathroom is a sacred place.
There are rules, courtesies, and customs associated with that one little room.
I will say that my trips to the bathroom are usually quite uneventful. There's rarely an explosion or a chase scene, and the appearance of a major celebrity is pretty rare.
Today makes the exception. Just moments ago I was faced with a decision of epic proportions. It goes a little something like this...

well.... er... ahh...
It's not my fault! Roommate wasn't around to eat the leftovers, and you KNOW how I feel about leftover Kraft Dinner!So now here comes the epic decision. I have once last piece of toilet paper (and the cheap 1 ply stuff even). I used it, much to my distress it did not finish the job.
Do I make a break for it? Try to dash out of the bathroom and find a new roll?
Do I improvise.... that towel is looking mighty friendly right now....

AND FINALLY! It came to me!!
Dun Dun dunaaa!!!!
And that's how this very under appreciated paper product came to save the day.
The said thing is, it's happened to all of us. Probably this week. I advise EVERYONE to A) Keep a stocked kleenex box in your own bathroom. If you don't, hide your towels when guests come over. B) carry those travel sized kleenex packs with you. A little thing can make a huge difference. Oh, and they're good for blowing your nose and wiping up the coffee some nasty person spilled in your spot in the lecture hall.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I guess it's okay that you spent homework/studying time making these animations. It's pretty cute, and I'm a big fan of the kleenex box