It's a 2005 Kawasaki Ninja 250cc. I've had it since I was 16 and it's my baby. I got into my head today that I would give her an oil change, and a new oil filter.
I whipped out my owner's manual and it seemed simple enough.
1.) Warm the engine
2.) Open the drain
3.) Drain
4.) Remove oil filter
5.) Replace new filter
6.) Fill with oil.
7.) Warm engine.
8.) Check oil and top up.
So I got my tools together, and crawled under the bike to unscrew the first nut.
Here's what I saw underneath.
So I tried the first wrench.
Too small. Next wrench.
Too big. Wtf. Oh. These are imperial. *search for metric* AHA!
This one fit, but somehow the pipe and the farings were in the way JUST so I couldn't turn the wrench. So this time I used the socket wrench. And I pulled.
I pulled so hard that I shook the whole bike.
Lying on the ground, having the bike shake like that, I got really scared. Sooooooo I called up my dad.
Sitting on the front steps, covered in grime, the mailman delivered my mail (Plus my new shirt from 11:11 Apparel).
AND I waited.
About an hour later my dad showed up to lend his muscles. We cranked it open, and let her drain into an old cookie tin I had (since the oil pan is mysteriously missing).
And that was when we realized that it wasn't water (or oil) tight.
Long story short, I made a mess. Then I had to remove the oil filter and added even MORE oil to the floor!
I loved smelling like oil, exhaust, and getting down and dirty.
Can't wait to hit the road.
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